Cold Case

Cold case 2aHave you ever looked at your life as if you were a detective viewing a cold case.Looking for clues about why you are here and maybe some small evidence that might lead you out of the mess or at least the appearance of a confused jumble that is your current mood.A good detective knows that a fresh perspective is all that is needed sometimes to make a breakthrough in the case.As an artist I look at my journals of sketches and paintings made over the last thirty years and I notice a small thing maybe a shape or color combination that suddenly releases me from the creative morgue and the clouds clear and I realized that I solved the case and I have an exciting new direction.The clue was always there just waiting for the day my situation launched my investigation.The moral is to never give up on a cold case it is just waiting for the day your mental funk causes you to pick up the case file and look for clues because your funk is your secret weapon.Remember being satisfied never leads anywhere!

Disasters Are Attracters

Tony from Jersey sees Irene from south of the border

We all love a good disaster when it happens elsewhere because lets face it disasters are beautiful.The magnificence of nature in full fury,volcanic eruptions,tornados,and explosions are part of the pantheon of beauty.Remember as an artist you get to revel in beauty so don’t forget disasters because they are attracters!

Doom And Gloom Creates Greatness

oh my the sky is falling

When times are bleak and the future seems dark the real innovators are gleefully shaping the future.They take the lull as an oppurtunity to retool knowing that the majority has gotten weak in the knees.Take this seeming end of times and reinvent youself because suddenly the boom will be back!

Beauty Rips Your Eyes Out

Hardboiled exploration into the darkest underbelly of feline insanity

Artist are terrified of beauty for all the wrong reasons.It’s true that beauty can kill you but that’s not the fear.Artist are afraid to appear normal and beauty seems normal yet it will rip your eyes out so be very afraid of beauty!If you are nice to her she will be very good to you!

Beauty Stinks Real Good


stop and smell the beauty

Hey professor! pull your head out of your butt! Have you forgotten the scent? Has art theory dulled your senses? Inhale some beauty and enjoy what real art is about!

Spoiling Your Pussie

do you spoil your pussie?

She wants a classic Mustang and of course you buy her one because you spoil your pussie.I bought the top of the line Kolinski watercolor brush because I thought it would help me make better paintings but was afraid of ruining it and I never used it and it’s in an oak box on my desk reminding me to not spoil my pussie.Spoil your mind not your pussie!

Parachutes Are For Sissies

parachutes are for sissies

If you had nine lives and always landed on your feet would you skydive without a parachute?I hear artists talking about risk taking and what they are talking about is style.I sat next to a young man on the plane and he had broken his pelvis racing BMX and the doctors told him he would struggle to walk but what crushed him was he couldn’t ride again.Risk is fine but don’t lose the thing you love!

Vacation In Davey Jones Locker

it's good to have friends

Sometimes I imagine how long I could invent erotic pictures if I was locked up in prison without seeing a pretty girl or back in the day on a long sea voyage hunting whales and trying to carve a mermaid and struggling to remember a girl that waved good bye as the boat sailed off.Feeding the imagination is the joy of freedom…stop starving yourself soon you will be in Davey Jones Locker!

I Slept With Bernard Buffet

I could see the incredibly erotic painting through the doorway and couldn’t remember when I purchased it and suddenly wasn’t sure if it was mine so I began making mental notes to copy it and transform it into my own painting.I was convinced that it was an original Buffet yet it had an odd resemblance to one of my paintings and anxiety about the door closing woke me.I layed there thinking I needed a book about Buffet because he was now the most important painter to me and I thirsted for knowledge about his work.

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